This week, the Louisiana Department of Veterans Affairs (LDVA) invites you to help us celebrate volunteerism. Whether it’s thanking the people that have touched your life through their volunteer efforts, or supporting our Veterans service offices, homes, and cemeteries with your time and talents, this week offers everyone an opportunity to honor the acts of service that make Louisiana a better place to live.
At the LDVA, we are fortunate to have the support of many dedicated volunteers. They, along with our team members, many of whom are Veterans themselves, are dedicated, engaged, and continually work to help expand our mission.
Our mission is clear. The LDVA provides comprehensive care and quality service to Louisiana’s Veterans, and their families, with regard to health care, education, disability benefits, long-term care, and burial honors.
In addition, our friends at a myriad of Veterans Service Organizations (VSO’s) help us to honor and remember our service men and women by either supporting or hosting patriotic events in their local communities. These VSO’s are comprised of regular people who, through their service, passion, and dedication, are making an extraordinary difference in the lives of our military families.
This week, the LDVA will also celebrate “Purple Up! For Military Kids” on Wednesday, April 18th. This is an opportunity for all of Louisiana’s communities to wear purple to show support and thank military children for their strength and for the sacrifices they make.
Thank you all for your continued support of the LDVA, for helping us to celebrate National Volunteer Week and Purple Up! For Military Kids, and for all of the good works you perform on behalf of Louisiana’s Veterans and their families every day.
To volunteer with our Department, please contact the facility closest to you by visiting our website at LDVA.
Whether you thank the volunteers in your life for their dedication, log a few service hours at a local organization, or donate your time and talents at a LDVA facility, take advantage of National Volunteer Week and leave your mark on the world.